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Apple Food Art For Kids

by Megan

Hey, it’s Hillary, back with some really fun apple food art for kids! We had a whole month of apple-themed activities at preschool, and I picked out my absolute favorites to share with you. These activities are fun for all ages and work perfectly for preschools, homeschooling, or entertaining bored kids on the weekends!

Apple Food Art For Kids- Four fun and different apple-themed activities, perfect for preschool, homeschool, or after-school! Fun for all ages- even the adults. You haven't lived until you've made an apple volcano! #kidsactivities #apples #fall #science #experiments #STEM

Our fun apple art activities included Apple Towers, Apple Painting, Apples in a Barrel, and Apple Volcanoes! Truth be told, these activities are fun for adults, too! I may have gotten in on all of the apple tower fun, hehe!

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Apple Food Art For Kids

Apple Towers

This activity was so much fun, that I had to get in on the action and build my own!

Apple Tower

Apples (cut into cubes)
Paper plates

The toothpicks I got had squared off ends instead of pointed ends, because I was doing the activity with young kids. If your kids are a little bit older, I recommend using regular toothpicks. Once you have your apples and toothpicks, it’s time to build!

1. Cut apples into small cubes

2. Use the toothpicks to connect cubes and create anything you want!

Making Apple Towers

With my preschool class, we built all things from trains to buildings. Some kids even tried to build people.

My 9-year-old came home from school and saw what my preschoolers did, and he wanted in on the building as well. So this is kid-tested and stamped with approval from 4-year-olds, 5-year-olds, and a 9-year-old (and a, um, 30-something-year-old!).

With my son, we tried to build the biggest tower we could without the building falling over. This takes a lot of planning ahead and building a solid foundation. It is a great STEM activity to do with homeschool kids as well (STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). I highly recommend this activity to do with your kids, students, or just for fun.

Get all of the supplies:


Apple Painting

Apple painting is a fun way to use different media as your paint brush and get creative.

Apples (cut in half)
Tempura paints

1. Cut the apples in half.

2. I cut little handles on top of the apples so that the kids could grip the apples a little bit better.

3. Press the apples into the paint or a stamp pad, and then press them onto paper to make designs!

Apple Painting with Apple Stamps

We used our apple stamps to make apple trees! We started by coloring in the trunk of our apple tree, then we used the apples to create our “leaves!”

This is a great activity to do for fall. We just used green and red to make our apple trees, but you could use lots of different colors to represent the fall leaves.

When our paint dried, we went back in with crayons and drew in some apples for our apple tree.

We also drew pictures under our apple tree of activities kids can do under an apple tree. They got to think up ideas like swing on a tire swing, read a book, sit with their dog, and play with friends.

If you want a book to go along with this art project, we read Under the Apple Tree by Steve Metzger. The kids loved it!

Get all of the supplies:


Apples in a Barrel Finger Painting

This art project makes my math teacher heart so extra happy! Anytime I can do more math in my preschool, I always try to do it!

Apple Barrel Preschool Math Activity

Apple Barrel Printable (download below!)
Finger painting stamp pads

1. Give each child a copy of the apple barrel printable

2. Put a stamp pad on each table

3. Help the kids use their finger to stamp the correct number of “apples” (fingerprints) above each barrel.

4. After the apples are dry, color the barrels and draw stems on the apples.

Apple Barrels Printable

You can use regular paint poured on a paper plate, or you can get the finger painting stamp pads. I have the Ready 2 Learn Stamp Pads, and I absolutely love them and totally recommend them!

Modifications: You could put multiplication/addition/subtraction/division questions on the barrels and have the kids answer in apples. You could check their work with them by counting how many apples they put in their barrel.

Get all of the supplies:



Apple Volcanoes

I am sure some of you have done volcanoes with play dough in your elementary days, but now it’s time to do it with some apples!

Apples (1 per volcano, core cut out)
Baking soda
Food coloring

1. Cut out about 1/2 of the middle of the apple, making it like a cup.

2. Fill the inside of the apple with baking soda.

3. Pour some vinegar into some small Dixie cups and add food coloring if you want!

4. Let the kids take turns pouring the vinegar into the apple and enjoy the colorful eruption!

Once the apple volcano has erupted, you can add more baking soda and keep on erupting! Each time you can add different colors to your vinegar and talk about primary colors and which colors you mix together to make other colors. The kids thought this was absolutely magical!

Get all of the supplies:

If you didn’t know, October is National Apple Month! So now is the perfect time to do these apple activities and have some fall-themed fun!

Apple Food Art For Kids- Four fun and different apple-themed activities, perfect for preschool, homeschool, or after-school! Fun for all ages- even the adults. You haven't lived until you've made an apple volcano! #kidsactivities #apples #fall #science #experiments #STEM

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Marty Walden October 17, 2017 - 6:39pm

Such fun activities! I was a homeschool mom for 23 years so my kids would have loved these.

Visiting from Tip Junkie.

Valerie@Occasionally Crafty October 18, 2017 - 7:04am

Such fun activities for the kids! I wish I had some of these when my kids were younger. Visiting from Tip Junkie!
