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Straight Talk with Invisalign

by Megan

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Last week I mentioned that, among all the other blogging events that us Phoenix-area bloggers have been treated to lately, I got the chance to attend a mini blog conference put on by the Sits Girls and Invisalign. At the event, we got to see a presentation by Invisalign, all about their latest advancements in teeth-straightening technology, and the things we learned were amazing! Hang on, 11-year-old self, you’re about to have your mind blown!

I think just about everyone knows someone who would like to have straighter teeth, and this weekend while we spent time with family, I took the advantage to interview some of my nieces and nephews about their experiences with braces and teeth-straightening.

First I talked to 16-year-old Ali who, while sporting a mouth of beautifully straight teeth, was not super happy about her experience with braces:


A lot of people think that Invisalign is too expensive, or that you can’t get it if your teeth are too crooked, but both of those statements are false! Invisalign costs are approximately the same as the cost of getting traditional braces, and Invisalign can be used in most cases, from a minor adjustment or a severe misalignment.

Cole, Ali’s 13-year-old brother, is in the middle of his own ortho treatment with braces, and he loved the idea of being able to remove the Invisalign aligners to eat and brush his teeth, rather than having metal in his mouth constantly.


Speaking of which, at the event, the Invisalign team put out snacks on the table for us bloggers. It took me a minute, but eventually I realized that the snacks were all things that you can’t eat if you have braces! Too funny!


Being able to remove the aligners is obviously a major benefit of Invisalign, and it was a big hit with the nephews, including Connor, 14, who is looking at ortho options for the near future:


His brother Jeremiah, 16, may also be receiving ortho treatment soon, and he liked the idea of Invisalign:


When Invisalign first started, it was marketed as a product for adults who wanted indiscreet teeth straightening. But they have since launched Invisalign Teen, and now teens and preteens have an enticing alternative to braces.

During the presentation, we were treated to a live demonstration of the iTero scanner, which takes a 3D digital scan of your teeth, which can then be used to create your aligners.


Some of the Invisalign doctors have this technology in their offices, and it eliminates the need for that yucky-tasting tray that I remember using to get impressions of my own teeth. It’s also much faster!

You can use Invisalign’s Doctor Locator to find Invisalign Providers who offer the iTero scanner as an option. Also, visit Invisalign on Twitter and Facebook to see what other people are saying about Invisalign Teen, and to stay updated on the latest information.

Lastly, you have the chance to win your very own Invisalign treatment! Just use the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win, and good luck!


Do you know anyone who has had Invisalign? What was their experience like?

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Time to be an Adult June 2, 2014 - 1:21am

I had Invisalign treatment 4 years ago and it was great. Aside from some irritation when I first had aligners (the bottom set cut my tongue) and some sensitivity for a day or so when you started using the next aligner in the series it was painfree and easy – I even trekked along the Inca Trail! They were great and so much easier to live with than the more traditional braces – I’d definitely recommend them :)

Tammy CAGLIA September 26, 2014 - 6:15pm

I am fifty one year’s old and am missing a lot of teeth I only have seven bottom teeth and they are front teeth so you can imagine how chewing is for me, eleven on top and they are all separated !!! It’s getting to the point where it’s really embarrassing to fully smile , I got married last year and realized in the pictures I wasn’t full mouth smirking ,closed mouth smiles due to missing teeth and can’t afford to get them fixed I would love to have a beautiful white smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tammy CAGLIA

Tara Hesson September 28, 2014 - 1:01am

I have wanted invisalign for many years. But I cannot afford it. I would love to win this sweepstakes.

Liz Maack September 30, 2014 - 6:19pm

I have always wanted braces or invisalign. I cannot afford either, but I have taken the free alignment for invisalign and it actually recommended me to it. I was surprised because mt dentist had always told me that I can only have braces, after being assessed I found out otherwise. I would be so thankful for this sweepstakes. I am just starting my own lief out as a college freshman. Ia completely terrified of smiling or meeting people because my teeth are so ugly. This would be a great confident booster for me being in a new place and literally knowing no one! I really would love to win this treatment!
