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Vanessa’s Latest

by Megan

At some point over the past few months, my little girl learned to talk. Now it seems like every day she’s got a new word or phrase! It is such a fun age she’s at right now! I wanted to write down some of her sayings, before I forget.

Here are some of her favorite phrases:

“No way!” or “Oh yes!”
“Dat’s Mommy. Dat’s Daddy.”
(whenever she sees someone new) “I’m Nessa!”
“All messy!”
“Mommy, catch!”
“You rock!” (taught her that one)
“Bye bye, love you, miss you!”
“No, I’m baby!”
“What you watching?”
“Nummy, nummy, nummy! (Yummy, yummy, yummy!)”
“Let me go!”
“I did it!”
“Jump, jump, jump!”
(when I ask her where the baby is) “Baby in MY tummy!”

She can say her ABCs, count to 11, and she even says “thank you” when I get things for her. She’s been so loving and sweet lately. She loves to give kisses and hugs, and she’s developed this explosive laugh that is just hilarious. She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and sings along with the songs.

Her favorite song is “Wheels on the Bus” and she can sing almost the whole thing! The other day I was playing some songs on the piano just for fun, and I played the first line of “Wheels on the Bus” and she came running over saying, “Bus, bus, bus!” I was so surprised she recognized the tune without hearing the words!

I wish I could capture each priceless moment on film, but I manage to miss the best moments and capture my kids when they are not cooperating! Tonight I did a little better and caught her talking to me and being silly:

One more week until she’s two!

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James Gibson February 9, 2013 - 9:41am

Oh my goodness she is so cute! Charlie does the same when you try to prompt him to say, like in your video, that’s me he always corrects you so that its correct from his perspective. She is super cute with her speaking :-) This has prompted me to try and document what the boys are saying at the monent.

Really good read thank you


SpiritedLife February 10, 2013 - 7:07pm

Too adorable! My daughter isn’t talking yet. She’s 14 months. She communicates in so many ways, I feel like when she finally starts, it’ll be full sentences instead of phrases.
