Your new bundle of joy comes with many new responsibilities, don’t forget to take care of yourself in the transition.
From the moment you learn you are expecting, your sole focus becomes that brand new bundle of joy you’re about to bring into the world. You spend hours making sure the nursery is perfect, that the house is baby-proofed, and that you have everything you need to be prepared for the big arrival.
But something you may not think to consider is your self-care postpartum. After the excitement of meeting your new baby and bringing them home passes, you have to learn how to adjust to your new life — and this is true for both mom and dad.
So it’s important to have a plan in place to incorporate self-care for yourselves. Without taking care of your needs, the adjustment to your new normal will be even harder.
In this article, we’ll take a look at a few different ways new parents can prepare and incorporate self-care into their new routine. Here’s a quick look at what we’ll cover:
- Technology that can make your life easier
- Plan time for yourself
- Set time aside to spend together
- Find time to exercise
- Importance of a support system
This post is sponsored by Abrige.
Self-Care Tips for New Parents
For new moms, postpartum is both an emotional and physically challenging time so it’s important to find ways to make the adjustment a little easier. Getting help with the baby when needed, finding ways to love your new body, and getting enough rest is important to their self-care.
But we can’t forget about the big adjustment this is for the new father either. Learning to adjust to a new routine at both home and in his work-life will take time. He needs to find his time to bond with the baby while also getting enough rest.
So, knowing that life gets busy the moment you bring your new baby home, consider planning out a self-care schedule ahead of the baby’s arrival. Of course, you’ll need to keep in mind that life won’t always work according to plan — but keeping your needs in mind will keep you on track.
Here are a few simple ways you can keep your self-care in mind after you leave the hospital.
Use Technology to Manage Care Needs
Don’t drive yourself crazy trying to remember every little detail of your baby’s care needs. Luckily, being a parent today means that we have the help of technology. For example, you can use apps to record doctor visits, track feeding times, planning sleeping schedules, and so much more.
Use this technology to help ease your mind. With the help of these different tools, you don’t have to keep track of exactly when you fed the baby last or what the doctor told you to do if you can’t get them to sleep. You’ll have all the answers available in the click of a button.
Plan Time to Yourself
Taking care of your new baby is a full-time job, but you need to remember to take some personal time. Even if that personal time is spending 20 minutes reading your favorite book, or taking a bath with a glass of wine — it’s very important.
Find a time at least once or twice a week to take your personal time. You can have scheduled shifts so that both mom and dad have time to decompress and get a little me time in. This is something you can plan ahead and know that you’ll always have a little time to yourself.
Set Time Aside to Spend Together
On the same note, you also need to make sure to spend time together. Becoming a new parent can be a stressful time and if you don’t spend time together outside of the element, you may take that stress out on each other.
Set time aside to go to dinner or watch a movie together. Even if it’s only once or twice a month, it will help you stay connected and remember that you are the foundation of your family. Having this time together will remind you that no matter how crazy this new life gets, you have each other on your side.
Find Time to Squeeze in Exercise
This one might be tough, but finding time to squeeze exercise into your busy schedule will help you feel a million times better. It’s been proven that exercise helps you feel better and increases energy levels — two things new parents definitely need.
So, find a gym nearby or an exercise video you enjoy and plan time to get moving. Just 30 minutes a day will make a huge difference in your mood and energy levels. Incorporating healthy eating and nutrition to your routine and you’ll feel like a new person.
Have a Support System
Lastly, nothing compares to having a strong support system. Whether it’s family, close friends, or just you two, the support you have can make the adjustment to a new parent a little easier. Even the most simple gestures of support can make a big impact on new parents.
For example, someone dropping off dinner so you don’t have to worry about cooking or a friend letting you take a nap while they visit with the baby can make a big difference. Knowing who in your circle can help provide you with the support you need is a very important thing.
Get Started With Your New Life
As a new or expecting parent, it’s time to start thinking about your new life. Planning time to take care of yourselves is so important in the care of your child. Not only will you feel better, but you’ll provide better care for your child and keep a strong bond with your partner.
So what are you waiting for? Start adding self-care into your routine and get started with your new life!
1 comment
I thought that this article was really interesting! I am not a parent myself, but I still thought that this piece had interesting insights that I never would have thought of; things like finding time to do things that give a person more energy, or even recording doctor visits are all things that I think are not commonly thought of when it comes to becoming a new parent.