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Review of Plexus Slim

by Megan

Summer is truly over, and my vacation mindset has left me with a few extra pounds! In my efforts to try to lose the vacation weight, I bought some Plexus Slim packets. I did a review of Plexus Slim a while back, but I only had the 7-day trial pack. This time around I bought two weeks’ worth of packets, so I could give it a better try.


My results were not great. The idea behind Plexus Slim is not that it magically helps you to lose weight. There’s really nothing that does that. Plexus was developed to help curb unhealthy cravings, and many people claim that it does just that.

Well I’m sorry to say that it didn’t seem to work for me. My cravings were still loud and proud, and I ate about the same as I usually do, and I didn’t lose any weight. I was even exercising regularly, but the scale didn’t budge.

As is the case with most weight loss products, you don’t see results unless you also maintain a healthy diet and exercise. And if you’re doing that, then you probably would see results anyway, so it’s hard to judge whether the product is working or not.

This past week I cut out all carbs for 4 or 5 days, and I lost 6 pounds. I’m not sure how long I could maintain a no-carb lifestyle (cough cough 30 minutes cough), but it was nice to have a jumpstart after feeling like the scale number was never going to change!


One thing I did like about Plexus Slim was that it helped me get in my water quota for the day, because it tasted good. But I think in the future I’ll stick to something like Crystal Light, which costs a whole lot less!

I wish I could write a more favorable review of Plexus Slim, and I don’t have anything bad to say about it, but ultimately it didn’t seem to make a difference in my weight loss.

A simple internet search will return lots of testimonials of people who have lost weight on Plexus, so if you really want to give it a try, don’t let me deter you. It won’t hurt, and it may just give you the motivation you need to work a little harder and reach your goals.

What weight loss products have you tried? Have any been successful?

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Cailin September 15, 2014 - 9:32pm

You ate ZERO carbs for a WEEK? I am impressed! I can’t even make it a day…

Megan September 15, 2014 - 9:38pm

It was just 4 or 5 days, but yeah it wasn’t fun!

Plexus Slim Review - Shaping Up To Be A Mom October 18, 2014 - 8:27pm

[…] a day, as well as an accelerator pill that is supposed to quicken your results. See my updated 2014 review of Plexus Slim […]
