This year we made Halloween costumes a family affair! Carter has been obsessed with Phineas and Ferb for a long time, so we decided we’d go as characters from the show. Our Phineas and Ferb costumes turned out perfectly, except for the fact that, as a few people pointed out, we didn’t have a Ferb!
Phineas and Ferb Halloween Costumes
Phineas Costume
Carter went as Phineas. I sprayed his hair with temporary red hair dye. It’s still a little pink.
My mom found a gray and orange shirt and painted the gray stripes yellow. She also painted some white onto his blue shoes to look like Phineas’ shoes. He brought his stuffed Perry the Platypus to school on Halloween, and during the costume parade, several parents and kids yelled out, “It’s Phineas!”
Related: Fun Halloween food for kids!
Isabella Costume
Vanessa was Isabella, but she didn’t know it. Yeah, I’m that mom who told her daughter she was going dressed as a “pretty princess” even though we dressed her up to look like Isabella!
She got mad anytime Carter said she was going to be Isabella, but “pretty princess” was acceptable. I do not expect to get away with this next year!
Isabella is a very easy costume to pull off! You just need a pink/purple hairbow, tank dress, and a white t-shirt underneath. Add some white socks and pink or purple shoes and you’re good to go!
Candace Costume
I went as Candace, Phineas’ older sister, who is always trying to “bust” her brothers. All you need is a white skirt, sleeveless red turtleneck top, red socks, and white shoes. A red belt would be a nice touch, and hey if you want to attempt the red hair dye… (I did, but it didn’t do much on my dark hair).
I didn’t get many pics of my costume, but if you scroll down you’ll see me with the whole family!
Dr. Doofenshmirtz Costume
Daniel went as the villian, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, and Harry was his nemesis, Perry the Platypus! SO cute.
This is an easy one. White lab coat (or if you’re dressing up a kid- one of Dad’s white button-downs!), black shirt, olive green pants, and black shoes. And try to look kind of evil. Or at least sneaky.
Perry the Platypus Costume
Harry was the cutest little platypus ever!
His costume was pretty easy too. We ordered the hat from Etsy and found a turquoise sweatsuit at Kohls. It was actually in the girls section, and the top had sparkly hearts on the front, so he wore it inside out!
For his platypus tail, I cut two pieces of orange felt, sewed around the edges and then criss-crossed the tail a few times to make a pattern. Then I sewed it to the bottom of his sweatshirt!
Our favorite babysitter came trick-or-treating with us, and she managed to snap this shot of the whole family. Thanks, Madison! It’s like a miracle photo. Everyone is looking at the camera with an acceptable facial expression! It’s not great quality because it was dark, but I love it!
On Halloween night we went trick-or-treating in our neighborhood, and I put my iPhone in the stroller and looped the Phineas and Ferb theme song. It entertained…me.
At several houses, Carter told people who he and Vanessa were, and they thought he was introducing himself.
“I’m Phineas, and this is Isabella!” “I’m Susan, nice to meet you!”
Then, on Friday night, we went to our church’s trunk-or-treat, and the kids both had very full buckets of candy! I managed to have a sugar-free Halloween, but I can’t say that I haven’t been tempted by the Reeses and Rolos and Kit Kats they got!
It was a great Halloween!
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I LOVE family costumes and you did such a great job! LOVE IT!!! That Perry crochet hat is so adorable too. Very creative- we went as Joker (my son), Batman (Dad) and Catwoman (me) but you guys win over us totally :)
I love the perry costume! and the rest are cute too!
so cute! Great job Megan!
Oh my gosh!! How cute is this!! My boys love Phineas and Ferb! These costumes turned out so great!
So adorable! Where did you get the components of the baby perry outfit? Particularly the sweatsuit in teal!
The hat came from an Etsy shop, and the teal sweatsuit came from Kohls, in the girls department! He’s wearing it inside out, because it had a big sparkly heart.
Awesome, thanks!
This has got to be – hands down – the best family costume get up I have ever seen! We have never done a whole family costume thing and now I want too!!!
Haha, thanks! It was fun!
[…] year our kids have done matching Halloween costumes: Steve and Blue, Vet and Kitty, Phineas, Isabella and Perry, and Dorothy, Scarecrow, and Tin Man. This was the first Halloween that they wanted to do their own […]