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Back Workout at Home

by Megan

The Bra Bulge. Ugh. It’s the one thing we all hate to see when we look at ourselves from behind in a mirror. How do we battle the Bra Bulge? Answer: with another of my “workout at home” workouts, this time featuring exercises for a sexy back! That’s right, today we’re bringing sexy (backs) back, and you can do this back workout at home!

Back Workout

You might think that the gym is the best place to work your back, but you can do back workouts at home! The exercises below require little equipment, just some hand weights and a mat (if you’d like). Set your alarm a little earlier in the morning, and crank this out before anyone else in your household wakes up!

I’ve included some links to further explanation of the exercises that I thought might be unfamiliar to some of us. Check those out first so you know what you’re going to be doing for this workout.

Now, get ready to rock those fitted shirts, and let’s get started on bringing your sexy back, back.

Sexy Back Workout At Home

Perform the following series of exercises, 1 time through for beginners, or 2-3 times for intermediate or advanced exercisers. This is not a long workout, so don’t rush through the moves. Take your time and make sure your form is good.

20 Seal Jacks
20 Bird Dogs
20 Good Mornings
20 Dead Lifts (straight legs)
20 Seal Jacks
20 Alternating Dumbbell Rows
20 Kneeling Rear Flies
20 Renegade Rows
20 Seal Jacks
20 Standing Twists (no weights)
20 Standing V Raises
20 Alternating Superman

Back Workout

Did you put on some Justin Timberlake while you killed these moves? I like to think that you did. Don’t forget to check out the rest of my “workout at home” series. Pick a workout to do each morning, and you’ll be turning heads in no time! Let’s get moving and bring sexy back!

Back Workout at Home

Baby Steps to a Better You: Day 15


It’s Day 15 of the “Baby Steps to a Better You” challenge- we made it to the halfway point! Get ready to start stepping up your game!

Speaking of stepping, today’s challenge is to take a walk. It can be a short walk, a long walk, or hey, even a medium-sized walk. The only requirement is that you go outside. Breathe in some fresh air, enjoy the quiet or the company if you go with others, and just be grateful for your life for a few minutes. A simple walk can really restore the soul!

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Shelly September 16, 2015 - 11:41am

These are some great exercises! Most people do not think about working out their back, but it is SO important that you do. You use your back daily and it’s very important to keep it strong!

Camille September 17, 2015 - 8:51am

I absolutely love workouts at home! I surprisingly see more results doing the HIIT in my kitchen than I do with hours at the gym!

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