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A Look Back: 1991

by Megan

The year was 1991. I was 6-turning-7, and my memory was starting to stick (a.k.a. I’m finally able to rely on my own memories for these posts!). We lived in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, in this condo:

Our house was the one with the little pool set up, in the first picture. There were 10 units in two buildings, and we were on an end, where the buildings were separated, so we had a little extra space to spread out for all the parties we had there! Looking at this set-up as an adult, all I can think is “no privacy!” But I only have really great memories from growing up there, from the huge shared back yard (often filled with snow), to playing on the playground, to going on adventures in the woods.

My mom left her job to stay at home all day, and that made me happy. I loved having my mom at home. She drove us to school and picked us up every day, and I’m grateful for that.

I mentioned these blocks in my last Look Back post. This is what my own kids got for Christmas this year! Only they got TWO sets! We had lots of fun building with these things. One time my brother and I wanted to use them downstairs, and he thought it would be more efficient to roll the cubes down the stairs rather than carry them…the staircase that TURNED at the end. That resulted in a lovely hole in the wall!

Family photo!
My 7th birthday party

SO much time spent outside, whether it was jump ropes, swing set, bikes, scooters, roller skates, pogo balls, etc. I remember one time my brother and I invented a game where we would use cards from Scattergories and as we would answer a question, we’d move from one swing to the next, down the swing set, and the first person to the end was the winner. One day we premeditated answers for me, so I could beat a neighbor that wasn’t very nice to us. We had a Disney World music tape, which we set up to play triumphant music for me when I won. Maple Leaf Rag. Epic.

This was my grandparents’ back yard- lots of fun outdoor time there as well! Also, they lived about 1/4 mile from the beach, so we would park at their house and walk down to the beach, nearly every day in the summer.

Even more fun at a friend’s “camp.” If you’re from Maine, you’ve been “upta camp.” Lakes. Gross.

Halloween. I was a giant baby… At least I wasn’t The Grim Jason Reaper, or whatever my brother was supposed to be.

And Christmas 1991. Notice how my brother and I are nicely smiling for the camera while my sister eats wrapping paper. Yeah, that’s pretty much how it goes.

Well that was my 1991. Carefree days! What was your 1991 like?

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Beans January 1, 2013 - 5:50pm

Good times and a lot of great memories! I would like it to be summer right now, and be in Maine, and be on that beautiful beach!

Leslie @ Violet Imperfection January 1, 2013 - 8:44pm

I love these look back posts you do. :)
